25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil

Protects Against Wear
Marine engines operate under high loads and rpm for extended periods. On average, a marine engine powering a boat 30 mph runs at about 5,000 rpm. In contrast, an automotive engine powering a car 60 mph runs at about 2,000 rpm. Higher stress causes traditional automotive oils to break down and lose viscosity. AMSOIL 25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil is designed with excellent shear stability to deliver a consistent lubricating film. It helps guard engine components from wear for maximum life.
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Excellent Anti-Rust Performance
Marine engines are prone to rust and corrosion due to constant exposure to humid, wet environments. Rust on engine parts acts like sandpaper, scouring bearings, the cylinder wall, piston rings and other components, while aluminum pistons and other parts can corrode. Rust and corrosion reduce engine power and eventually cause catastrophic failure.
Good rust protection is not natural to motor oil; it comes only by design. AMSOIL 25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil is fortified with potent inhibitors that guard against damaging rust and corrosion.
- Excellent high-stress, high-rpm endurance
- Increased rust and corrosion protection
NMMA Certified
AMSOIL 25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil is certified by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) for use in four-stroke outboards, inboards, stern-drives (inboard/outboards) and PWC. This high-quality oil demonstrates outstanding performance and exceeds the NMMA “FC-W” (Four Cycle – Water) specification requirements.
- FC-W (CAT)® Registration Number: FC-11825T
* All trademarked names and images are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use. All products advertised here are AMSOIL-engineered for use in the applications shown.
Use in gasoline-fueled four-stroke inboards, outboards, inboard/outboards and personal watercraft that require any of the specifications listed below, including those made by Mercury* and Mercruiser*.
- NMMA FC-W Catalyst Compatible
Four-stroke outboard motors and personal watercraft: Due to potential fuel dilution or water contamination, change oil at the engine or watercraft manufacturer-recommended interval. Inboard and I/O applications: Change oil at two times the engine manufacturer-recommended interval, or once a year, whichever comes first.
Buy in the Omaha store at 84th & G or use this Online link to the Amsoil sale page if you are outside of the area.
AMSOIL 25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil is Warranty Secure®, keeping your factory warranty intact. It is a high-performance replacement for vehicle manufacturer-branded products and is also backed by the AMSOIL Limited Warranty (G1363). For details, visit AMSOIL Warranty Information
Keep Out of Reach of Children. Recycle used oil and bottle.