Artie is a 3 year old Mix-Breed in Midlothian, TX, who needs $2,000 for Urinary Blockage Treatment, Hospitalization, and Sterilization.

Help Support Artie

I know this has nothing to do with motor oil and cars but these cat’s need our help. Arnie can make a full recovery but is in intense pain.  I’ll try to do another next month of a Omah animal if I can but this is tax deductible, and a 2nd organization is matching your contribution on this one!! This link goes right to the Waggle fund raiser as Mr. Arnie can’t do this on his own.

Artie cat that needs help - Easy Recovery with matching contribution

Artie’s story

Artie was found unable to walk and dragging his back legs, crying for help. New Life Cat Rescue was contacted by a bystander who knew this poor thing needed immediate help.

Knowing something was seriously wrong, New Life Cat Rescue rushed him to the vet. They discovered he had a massive urinary blockage and crystals in his bladder. The vet pulled 300ml of urine out and was shocked his bladder hadn’t ruptured.

Despite being in immense pain, Artie’s disposition remained loving and sweet throughout everything. He was even showing off his biscuit making skills while getting a catheter!!

Artie is scheduled for additional diagnostics such as x-rays and bloodwork and has a long journey ahead to a full recovery. New Life Cat Rescue is committed to making sure he gets back to full health. Please consider donating to help make this possible.

At the time of this posting $390 has been raised. So just $15 turns into $30!! Let’s get Artie to his $2K ASAP!! Thank you!

Donate to Artie via Waggle – Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN 32-0518559. P.O. Box 319, Hadlyme, CT 06439.

In the Omaha store we may start a featured AMSOIL item where 100% of the profits and commissions go to our animal in need to be featured here!



Help a Cat In Need – Pet of the Month – Artie the Cat
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