Can I Use The Same Oil Filter? (And Other Oil Filter Questions Answered) Yes – I get that question a LOT.. Don’t know how someone rationalizes to that issue but it is a common question.. – Ches Cain – Synthetic
AMSOIL Ea® Oil Filters: Your Efficient Choice
AMSOIL Ea® Oil Filters: Your Efficient Choice To provide you with more high-efficiency filter options, we have expanded our Ea Oil Filter (EAO, EA15K) line to include seven new cartridge-style filters. Ea Oil Filters provide a perfect pairing for the superior protection
Synthetic Oil Filters vs Regular Oil Filters
Synthetic Oil Filters vs Regular Oil Filters Ed Newman|Jul 26, 2017 8:51 AM Early automobile engines didn’t use oil filters, or air filters for that matter. For this reason frequent oil changes were a must. Motor oil quality wasn’t really
What’s Inside an Oil Filter?
What’s Inside an Oil Filter? Ed Newman|Jul 14, 2017 9:53 AM Whether it’s personal relationships or business, communication is important. The longer you live the more you discover how many things can interfere with good communication. Poor listening can contribute.