New Grease Gun Kit The new AMSOIL Deluxe Grease Gun Kit (GLCGN) provides improved performance and added functionality, making the job of greasing equipment even easier. Develops up to 3,500 psi, ensuring grease is adequately applied to the application Improved
Engine Detuning Kills Performance: How to Protect Your Motorcycle
New Synthetic DCT Fluid Rounds Out AMSOIL Transmission Fluid Family.
New Synthetic DCT Fluid Rounds Out AMSOIL Transmission Fluid Family. The concept of two transmissions working in tandem within one vehicle dates back to the 1930s. The dual-clutch transmission (DCT) made its first practical appearance decades later in several 1980s-era
Can Your Motorcycle Survive Heat this Extreme?
Ask AMSOIL: How Often Should Synthetic Motor Oil be Changed?
Carry That Weight
Carry That Weight AMSOIL synthetic drivetrain fluids provide complete towing protection. Many people overstress their vehicles in the summer, pulling trailers, campers or fifth-wheels with boats, sometimes exceeding their rated towing limits. Severe-service conditions and hot summer temperatures place extreme
Common Fixes for a Transmission that Jerks or Hesitates
Common Fixes for a Transmission that Jerks or Hesitates Here are a few common reasons why your transmission may shift erratically, jerk or hesitate. Low fluid level Depleted fluid frictional properties Poor cold-temperature fluidity Start with the easiest fix