How Often Should I Change Transmission Fluid? How often to change transmission fluid depends on several factors we outline in this post. _by John Baker|June 21, 2022 Motorists sometimes ask, “How often should I change transmission fluid?” It depends on
AMSOIL Synthetic Transmission Fluid Tames Texas Heat In Commercial Pickups
How Does a Dual-Clutch Transmission (DCT) Actually Work?
Automatic Transmission Fluid & Manual Transmission Fluid: What’s the Difference?
What is a CVT Transmission?
Should I Change Fluid in a Filled-for-Life Transmission?
Transmission Pan Drop vs. Flush: Which is Better?
Transmission maintenance requires a shift in thinking
Common Fixes for a Transmission that Jerks or Hesitates
Common Fixes for a Transmission that Jerks or Hesitates John Baker|Jun 05, 2017 8:52 AM Here are a few common reasons why your transmission may shift erratically, jerk or hesitate. • Low fluid level • Depleted fluid frictional properties