AMSOIL SABER® Professional Cuts Costs While Helping Your Equipment Run Anyone who’s owned or operated a two-stroke string trimmer, chainsaw, blower or other piece of equipment has been there before. You repeatedly pull the starter cord and adjust the choke,
Work Engines – Clean, Protected POWER – Double The Life
CLEAN, PROTECTED POWER: NEW PRODUCTS EXPAND OPPORTUNITY To better target landscapers, contractors and other professionals who rely on small engines to make a living, AMSOIL Formula 4-Stroke® Synthetic Small Engine Oil (ASE) has been updated with a new name, label
Amsoil Diesel Oil Line Reminder
CHOOSING THE RIGHT DIESEL OIL We have several diesel oils now. The below is the new products but there are also several diesel oils designed for older diesels, work or agriculture diesels, generators and more. The Signature Series is perfect
How to Protect a Motorcycle Wet Clutch (and How it Works)
How to Protect a Motorcycle Wet Clutch (and How it Works) John Baker|Jul 19, 2017 10:14 AM A 10-mile trudge down gravel roads more trafficked by mosquitoes than people. That’s the situation I faced after dumping my Honda 350 motorcycle
What to Do When Your Car is Underwater
What to Do When Your Car is Underwater Ed Newman|Sep 07, 2017 2:57 PM Hurricane Harvey hit Houston hard. Tragically, reports say the hurricane claimed the lives of at least 60 people. It has also wrought devastation to countless
8 Awesome Uses for AMSOIL MP (especially number 5)
8 Awesome Uses for AMSOIL MP (especially number 5) Steve Hull Everyone is aware of the multiple dimensions in which human beings live. There’s the physical dimension, the emotional dimension, the spiritual dimension, the psychological dimension and so on. And
How Engine Sludge Forms. And How To Prevent It.
How Engine Sludge Forms. And How To Prevent It. Ed Newman|Mar 08, 2017 2:10 PM Sludge. It’s a disgusting phenomenon. Even the word sounds gross, like the thing it’s describing. The word for this is onomatopoeia, a strange word that
AMSOIL Helps Motorcyclist Set Guinness World Record
AMSOIL Helps Motorcyclist Set Guinness World Record Ed Newman|Feb 08, 2017 10:24 AM A few weeks back I heard an exciting story about a woman who set a Guinness World Record on her motorcycle. The official designation was as follows:
Story of Miss Belvedere Brings Back Memories of Tulsa
Story of Miss Belvedere Brings Back Memories of Tulsa Ed Newman|Jun 28, 2017 4:44 PM On June 15, 1957, the city of Tulsa, Okla. buried a new gold and white 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe in a time capsule in
What’s Inside an Oil Filter?
What’s Inside an Oil Filter? Ed Newman|Jul 14, 2017 9:53 AM Whether it’s personal relationships or business, communication is important. The longer you live the more you discover how many things can interfere with good communication. Poor listening can contribute.