Can We Still Go Fishing? Wisconsin DNR Interview

To help slow the spread of the Chinavirus, government officials at the local, state and federal levels have instituted a number of measures.

Here in Wisconsin, like in many other states, the governor has issued a “safer-at-home” order in effect until April 24.

Since fishing is one of the most popular activities in the state – and an excellent way to relieve stress – John Gillespie, host of the popular TV show “John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods,” wondered how the safer-at-home order affects anglers.

Can Wisconsin anglers still access boat landings? Can they still head out to their favorite fishing spot?

To find out, Gillespie interviewed Wisconsin DNR Communications Director Sarah Hoye. Check out the interview here.


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Outdoor activity “essential”

The good news is, Wisconsin’s safer-at-home order recognizes outdoor activity, including fishing, as “essential.” Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

  • Outdoor activity is recognized as essential
  • State parks, forests and trails are open – all fees waived
  • Current regulations still apply for hunting, trapping and fishing seasons
  • Stay within your community – the closer you stay to home, the better

“Getting outdoors in your community has both physical and mental benefits,” said Hoye. “While we encourage people to get out and take advantage of the wonderful natural resources we have here, we just want to remind people to keep that social distance, stay six feet away from people at all times, limit your travel and use proper hand washing.”

Sarah Hoye, Wisconsin DNR Communications Director

Some good news during a challenging time. Stay healthy, and good luck fishing.

Can We Still Go Fishing? Wisconsin DNR Interview
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