Expanding our regional AMSOIL Supply. Dealers are needed as well as Retailers in Lincoln, Norfolk, Sioux City, Yankton, Vermillion, and Columbus.

BIG opportunity which you can earn a steady income on the side in these areas. Demand has increased as I post this January 2025!

We have been in our 2nd location for many years and really have outgrown it here at the Tea exit.. AMSOIL has almost an unlimited advertising budget thanks to the industrial division so just having inventory locally, you will do well.

Excellent part time or full time opportunities available in Lincoln (large demand – little supply), Norfolk, Columbus, NE, Mitchell, SD, Yankton, SD, Vermillion, Sioux City, IA and all points east and Watertown, SD.

AMSOIL store Sioux Falls

AMSOIL is a great work from home business. Or set up regional Commercial and Retail accounts!

Our Sioux Falls and Omaha stores are having a tremendous effect in popularizing the AMSOIL Name. We are now getting calls from auto parts stores, lube centers, powersports shops and other garages to stock and carry AMSOIL.

Sioux Falls & Omaha AMSOIL Delivery Van

A little more than a 3rd of our customers who shop in our store are from areas 20 to 100 miles outlining the region. Another segment of that we ship to thanks to the services of Speedee Delivery Services. AMSOIL had had locations in the past in the listed towns but for various reasons they currently fail to supply properly now.

AMSOIL demand in Lincoln, NE; Norfolk, NE and Columbus, NE.

In Norfolk for example our account closed his business to work in another industry but we continuously get customers who drive in from there to plan their purchases. Lincoln forever has never had a good reliable dealer in town with a full supply during regular business hours but for anyone interested we have several points of support in Omaha and just north of Lincoln.
Norfolk, NE had a good sized steady AMSOIL following at a local European repair shop which is now closed. If you are in Norfolk and want to earn a 2nd income or even work full time serving the AG industry (AMSOIL had an organic fertilizer division called AGGRAND also.) Otherwise send us tips of any retail space at another existing shop to place our products in which works great. Customers want product during normal business hours.

Dealer and Retail outlets needed in and around Yankton, SD

Yankton, SD is the one in particular which we get the most outside sales from. Actually Worthington, MN is the leading satellite city but we have a automotive shop there now we supply to!  But Yankton having Lewis & Clark lake near by serves a large demand of campers, boaters, motorcyclists and the farming industry. An existing retail store would be perfect for AMSOIL but a dealer working from home would fit the bill quite well! Many opportunities so let us help you get started right away.

Sioux City is the largest city w/o ample AMSOIL supply but we see plenty of demand from there. Several dealers are needed and a couple retail accounts could make out very well with AMSOIL products. Sioux City like Sioux Falls is a major shopping hub for surrounding communities all with a higher per capita or power sports equipment as well as heavy duty off-road equipment.

Vermilion while it’s a smaller population not only could on its own serve quite the area but AMSOIL could be easily a household name due to the university and the fact that there aren’t a lot of other choices. A product like AMSOIL’s OE could flourish there. I also think a dealer there could get products at the highly utilized truck-stop “The Coffee Cup” at hwy 50 and I-29.

Dealers are needed in Watertown, SD

Watertown, while I don’t know too much about the area, we do get a good number of customers who call to order or stop by our store when in town. Seems a lot of powersports users are big AMSOIL fans especially the snowmobile owners.  Watertown would be a great place for a small business to add AMSOIL as an additional product line. Dealers are needed all over that region. I believe the demand there is greater than Brookings which I don’t hear much from.

Read all about the AMSOIL opportunity and earn income from sales through lube centers, automotive repair shops, diesel shops, fuel stops, and even supplying to fleets. Check out our AMSOIL dealer page and get started with AMSOIL University online.

As AMSOIL’s sales continue to break records (March we broke all our own records here in our Sioux Falls store) in overall sales the market reach is spawning new activity all over. Remember AMSOIL was created in Minnesota so it’s familiarity is well established in the region.  No town is too small for AMSOIL.  When you stock product AMSOIL puts you on the map not to mention our helping in getting you listed all over the internet. We have dealers all across the country. My next most busy areas are the Phoenix, AZ area, Lancaster, PA and Ft. Worth TX areas.  So we would also like to get dealers in Minneapolis which is way under utilized and wherever else. If you join us consider places you have other connections. There are no boundaries as a dealer. Let me help you with your sales strategy but our region is definitely a great place to have AMSOIL products on hand.

Find out more about Dealer Opportunities

Call us or visit my AMSOIL dealer opportunities page. Take the AMSOIL University part 1 test for free and get your business listed on the AMSOIL Corporate website. Start making money and being a steward of the best lubricants on the planet!  The Midwest and great plains are to a major degree becoming familiar with AMSOIL. It’s only a matter of supply!


Ches Cain

Call 605-274-2580 to discuss the options available!

AMSOIL Dealer Vehicle Graphics Van

Of course dealers are also needed in any town which there is not an accurate or readily available supply. Western Iowa towns such as Denison, Carroll, Ida Grove, Atlantic, Shenandoah, IA


Dealers needed; Norfolk, Lincoln NE, Columbus, Sioux City, & Yankton.
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