Why Your Marine Lower Unit Needs Regular Service Though your marine motor gets all the attention, your boat isn’t going anywhere without the lower unit. Its combination of gears, bearings and other components turn horsepower into movement. Lower units are
Transmission Pan Drop vs. Flush: Which is Better?
Transmission Pan Drop vs. Flush: Which is Better? John Baker|May 08, 2018 10:56 AM It depends on what you want to accomplish. But, first of all, check your owner’s manual to see if your vehicle manufacturer recommends one instead of
Is it Safe to Add Two-Stroke Oil to my Diesel Fuel?
Is it Safe to Add Two-Stroke Oil to my Diesel Fuel? Yeah – we get this question a LOT!! That and some add ATF for a injector cleaner.. Read on. John Baker|Aug 21, 2017 11:27 AM Robert Gordon wants to
The Pros and Cons of Semi-Synthetic Oils and Synthetic Blends
The Pros and Cons of Semi-Synthetic Oils and Synthetic Blends Andy Arendt|Sep 22, 2017 9:20 AM Scott D. Galbreath asks via our Facebook page about the pros and cons of synthetic blend motor oils. Thanks for the question, Scott. Making sense of
How Turbochargers and Direct Injection are Changing the Industry
How Turbochargers and Direct Injection are Changing the Industry Alex Thompson|Sep 06, 2017 11:04 AM Turbocharged, gasoline-direct-injection (T-GDI) engines have been the topic of many AMSOIL blog posts and other publicationsthe last few months, and for good reason. In recent years these technologies
What’s the Minimum I Should Drive My Car? And Other Storage Tips.
What’s the Minimum I Should Drive My Car? And Other Storage Tips. Jamie Jarvi|Feb 02, 2018 8:55 AM There are daily driver vehicles that clock thousands of miles each year. There are seasonal vehicles that only clock hundreds. And then
What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil?
What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? John Baker|Jan 31, 2018 11:19 AM It depends on how your engine is built and how it reacts to the specific viscosity of oil you use. That’s pretty nebulous,
Is Starting Fluid Bad for Gas Engines?
Is Starting Fluid Bad for Gas Engines? John Baker|May 22, 2017 8:08 AM The simple answer: In small doses and used properly, it can be effective in hard-starting gasoline engines. But it can be bad for two-stroke or diesel engines.
Which of These 5 Approaches to Vehicle Maintenance Do You Use?
Which of These 5 Approaches to Vehicle Maintenance Do You Use? Mark Nyholm|Oct 02, 2017 9:09 AM Maintenance is one of those things you either do or don’t do. There isn’t a good way to fall “in between” on the
Ask AMSOIL: What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil?
Ask AMSOIL: What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? Ask AMSOIL: What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? Using a motor oil whose viscosity is too low or too high for your