Considerations for that Stubborn Two-Stroke Engine _by David Hilgendorf |Fall, 2024 Few things are more annoying than trying to start a gas-powered two-stroke engine when there’s work to do. Fortunately, two-stroke engines are pretty simple, so most DIYers with a
5 Expert Chainsaw And Chain Maintenance Tips
5 Expert Chainsaw Maintenance Tips John Baker|Feb 13, 2020 4:24 PM Chainsaws are great tools – when they’re working properly. Here are five chainsaw-maintenance tips to keep your chainsaw cutting strong. Keep the chain sharp Anyone who has tried forcing
Amsoil Diesel Fuel Additives Best Choice For Increased Fuel Lubricity
Our Diesel Fuel Additives Will Save Your Fuel System and Add Performance New diesel owners are not being told this critical information from the dealership. Adequate diesel fuel lubricity is essential for protecting the highly engineered components in modern diesel
Is it Safe to Add Two-Stroke Oil to my Diesel Fuel?
Is it Safe to Add Two-Stroke Oil to my Diesel Fuel? Yeah – we get this question a LOT!! That and some add ATF for a injector cleaner.. Read on. John Baker|Aug 21, 2017 11:27 AM Robert Gordon wants to
Why are There Different Two-Stroke Oil Mix Ratios for Chainsaw Oil
Why are There Different Two-Stroke Oil Mix Ratios for Chainsaw Oil John Baker|Jun 20, 2017 8:36 AM Swamp mix. That’s what you call a concoction of two-stroke oil and gas that’s been slopped together with no measuring tools and no
Two-stroke equipment is changing
Two-stroke equipment is changing Ask your Omaha small engine sales and repair shop to carry the standard which makes all 2-stroke work motors easy to maintain. SABER-PRO synthetic 2-cycle oil. Hotter, leaner-running engines require less oil to do more work.