This blog entry will be a posting from AMSOIL’s technical development VP – Dan Peterson. Dan is one of the people behind the exciting direction AMSOIL is taking in the enthusiast market. AMSOIL is a very fortunate company as we
Industry Leading 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil
This may have been the first blog post I should have written because the best seller of ours is also the one which sets the benchmark for the industry. Although the AMO 10W-40 was AMSOIL’s first product, the 5W-30 is
AMSOIL Knowledge Base & Commitment to Excellence
I go to the AMSOIL HQ in the Twin Ports cities of Duluth/Superior at least once every year. There we have three to five days to pick up on industry trends, hear from suppliers, tour the latest plant/lab/research facilities and
Amsoil Motorcycle Octane Boost Q&A
One product we see a lot of return sales is of the MOB (Motorcycle Octane Boost) The chemistry differs from the car version and really makes for a punch when temperatures are climbing. It cleans and raises octane all at
The Answer to 2-cycle Lawn Equipment Problems – Saber Pro 100:1
AMSOIL’s 2nd oldest product still raises the most eyebrows!! That’s because the company firmly stands behind the lofty 100:1 in any two-stroke premix motor. It took me years to also trust that number but not only did I follow it
AMSOIL Antifreeze/Coolants – New Products!
A vehicle’s engine generates enough heat to destroy itself, and it is up to the cooling system to keep the engine within a safe operating temperature range. Preventive maintenance, including fluid maintenance, is essential to extending radiator and engine life and
Protect you motorcycle from blistering heat
The AMSOIL motorcycle oil line is over-engineered to provide protection in the most severe circumstances. Any quality oil will enhance performance to a degree where the rider will notice right away. Things which alert our customers attention is easier start-up,
Facebook page for the Omaha AMSOIL location
Save this link and be sure to LIKE us!! FACEBOOK Page for the OMAHA STORE I often list an impromptu deal for local customers as today – get a free bottle of any fuel additive when you buy a
How can a 20W-50 be used in my transmission requiring a 75W-90?
We get this question a lot and it’s a good one! – How can a 20W-50 be used in my transmission requiring a 75W-90 (80W-90, 75W-110) The answer is simple if you have a chart to reference by. The viscosity
Prep for Storage – Motorcycle Primary and Transmission Fluid
Harley Owners – Don’t forget your motorcycles Primary and Transmission Fluid Revisiting these great products in the Omaha store. We still get a lot of folks using the car GL5 in the transmission and 10W-40 motorcycle oil in the primary